Organization Name
Fundación ONCE para la cooperación e inclusión social de personas con discapacidad
C/ Sebastián Herrera, 15. ES-28012 Madrid, Spain
Contact Person
Ph.D. Jesús Hernández Galán,
NGO. Association for people with disabilities
Founded in 1988, in accordance with the ONCE General Council (National Organisation for the Blind in Spain), as an expression of the will and commitment of the blind towards solidarity with other disabled people, the ONCE Foundation for Cooperation and Social Inclusion of People with Disabilities is an organisation whose board of trustees not only includes ONCE itself as a founding body but also major national organisations for the disabled people, representing all types of disability, whether physical, mental or sensory.
The ONCE Foundation promotes cooperation and social inclusion of people with disabilities with the areas of training and inclusion into the labour market and accessibility for all, understanding this as the removal of all types of barriers. It promotes, supports and finances organisations which work with the disabled people and cooperates with public and private bodies with an interest in their promotion and their living environments.
In 2012, the ONCE Foundation and its associated companies approved almost 1,300 projects in organisations, and directly employed more than 15,000 people in its affiliates and associated companies. Around 70% of these people have some kind of disability.