Inter, “Accessible Flanders”


Inter, “Accessible Flanders”. Centre of expertise for accessibility and Universal Design

Logo & Acronym



Belgiëplein 1, Hasselt 3510 (Belgium)

Contact Person


Externally autonomous agency of the Flemish Government Centre of expertise for accessibility and Universal Design


Inter aims for an accessible and inclusive society in which everyone, with or without disability, can participate in all aspects of life, equally and independently.

As a catalyst between users, professionals and policy, Inter promotes and practices Universal Design. To answer the increasing demand for specialised guidance regarding accessibility at different levels and themes, Inter offers a high-performance range of services.

Inter offers recommendations and engage in practice-based research and projects. Inter developes methodologies, instruments and certification and provide support for awarding grants and labels. Inter discloses accessibility information, showcase good practices and establish awareness-raising campaigns.

Inter provides comprehensive consultancy and technical guidance with regard to buildings and their surroundings, such as public infrastructure, tourism and recreation, housing, healthcare, heritage, mobility, sports, culture… From design to realisation, from concept to use, management and maintenance.

Inter supports and cooperates with local, provincial, Flemish and federal governments, companies and organisations to implement a coherent accessibility policy.

Inter makes events accessible (festivals, cultural performances, sports events, fairs, conventions…). A community of Inter volunteers offers their assistance to people with disabilities or mobility issues.

Inter informs about the existing range of accessible and adapted transport and mobility solutions. Together with governments and transport providers we aim to realise an accessible transport system.

 In brief, Inter interacts between people and environment, based on a holistic and multidisciplinary approach, between infrastructure, communication, service and management.