Amazon and EDF – Paths to accessibility

As a founder member of the European Disability Forum, EIDD – Design for All Europe has received an invitation for our members to attend the online event EDF and Amazon – Paths to accessibility on the 15 th January 2025 from 4pm to 5:30pm CET.

In this event, Peter Korn – Director of Amazon Accessibility will share Amazon’s latest developments regarding accessibility.

You will understand more about how Amazon approaches accessibility, how it has achieved an improvement in its products and services for persons with disabilities, and how it plans to continue doing so. Accessibility is not simply about compliance with relevant laws and standards. It is an ongoing process that requires feedback and meaningful involvement with the users, especially persons with disabilities and their representative organisations.
As we all know, civil society organisations, including EDF members, have a very important role to play in making accessibility a reality: since Design for All is the method that enables good intentions to be translated into tangible practice, EIDD members have a leading role to play in such developments.

Join the EDF conversation with Amazon to help make accessibility a reality for all.

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