Optimal Conclusion Lda
dAD, University of Genoa
DSA focuses its interests on the research of existing architecture and processes of compositional design-build, at different scales, offers a solid and varied education and shape professional figures with strong planning skills, solid and rigorous cultural, historical, scientific and technical basics ...
Zamek Cieszyn
Zamek Cieszyn is the Polish design centre, which has been promoting good design as the key to the regions development. Through exhibitions, specialist workshops and conferences it helps implement designs ...
DogA_Norwegian Center for Design and Architecture
Norwegian Design Council (NDC) is a national strategic body for design in Norway, funded by the The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries the aim is to increase Norwegian businesses´...
freiraum-europa is a international acting non profit organization that focuses on barrier-free environments and design for all in all aspects of a society ...