
“Tutti a Tavola!” Project

— https://www.facebook.com/ProgettoTAT

Twenty students, a professor of industrial design, Rhino, 3D printing, ceramics, a master potter and an artistic direction.

What is it?

It is the TAT_Tutti a tavola!” Project (Dinner is served…for All!), an initiative involving twenty students at the University G. d’Annunzio of Chieti-Pescara (Italy). They are engaged in designing ceramic objects for food and beverage. The concepts are related to Design for All and,therefore, usable “in condition of autonomy” by people with different needs and abilities.


The students, coordinated by prof. Giuseppe Di Bucchianico, chair of Design 2C at the Department of Architecture of Pescara and President of Design for All Italy, face a path from brief to concept, to prototype, made by 3D printing (“3D Italy” and “Pixel Services”) and in ceramic (“L’Officina delle Invenzioni”, supported by the Master potter Claudio Reginato, multiple world champion of weel throwing).

The art direction is by “L’Officina delle Invenzioni” (Dario Oggiano and Elisabetta Di Bucchianico), supported by “Area Artigianato Artistico” (A-Cube Srl).


The project will be on show since 23rd till 25th of September in Milan, via Fiorichiari 9, at “Casa Abruzzo” for Expo 2015. The prototypes will be also accessible through an Augmented Reality App to make the experience even more immersive.


“Tutti a Tavola!” is part of the initiatives promoted and supported by Artitalia, the Innovation Pole of Abruzzese Artistic Craftsmanship, co-financed by the Abruzzo Region as part of the OP ERDF 2007-2013.

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