DfA Innonet

Short Description

DfA Innonet is a network for EIDD members who work in the field of Design for All applied to the innovation agenda,
which must be a people-centred strategy in practice. Innonet focuses on how this can be applied and implemented to benefit society, business and the individual citizen, aiming to address common global challenges where Design for All is a part of the solution for more inclusive and sustainable societies. It seeks to influence and collaborate with outside stakeholders, institutions and policymakers in order to set an agenda where Design for All can make an important contribution, in a cross-disciplinary, people-centred approach for innovation in all sectors of society and design fields, including service innovation, new technologies and strategic innovation. Innonet looks for opportunities to take part in initiatives and projects across Europe (and globally) to ensure that new solutions and innovations are designed with inclusion in mind, based on human diversity.


Onny Eikhaug

EIDD Norge

Pete Kercher

Design for All Italia

Present Members
