The EIDD-Design for All Europe General Assembly 2014 will be held in Berlin on 27 and 28 May.
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Zero Project Conference on accessibility
The Zero Project was initiated by the Essl Foundation in 2010. It has been run in partnership with the World Future Council since 2011 and with the European Foundation Centre since 2013. This year’s Zero Project Conference took place on 27 and 28 February at the UN headquarters in Vienna, Austria.
Berlin is the 2013 Access City
The purpose of the Access City Award, created in 2010, is to recognise and celebrate cities that have worked to achieve accessible environments in all areas of life. Berlin is the winner of the 2013 Access City Award.
Cities for All Exhibition
Cities for All Helsinki was an international conference aimed at bringing together a diverse range of solutions, illustrating the genuine potential of design to cater for different people’s needs and create a better city for all.