EIDD – Design for All Europe has decided to promote a new Design for All
Declaration, to supplement our longstanding Stockholm Declaration passed in
2004 (https://dfaeurope.eu/what-is-dfa/dfa-documents/the-eidd-stockholm-
The Stockholm Declaration is a document with its own unmistakeable place in
the history of Design for All and so should not be amended. However, that does
not mean that there is no place for a new document to be drawn up to mark
the twentieth anniversary, next year, of the original Stockholm Declaration,
reflecting changed conditions and the far broader scope that is now the remit
of Design for All.
So please contribute your thoughts and proposals! These will be compiled and
considered at the EIDD Members’ Meeting Lugano meeting in October.
Please send your input to the co-ordinator, Pete Kercher (strategicdesign(at)
ksdc.eu) by 10 August.