Zero Project Conference on accessibility: innovative policies and practices for persons with disabilities
The Zero Project was initiated by the Essl Foundation in 2010. It has been run in partnership with the World Future Council since 2011 and with the European Foundation Centre since 2013. The mission of the Zero Project is to work for a World Without Barriers, according to the principles of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD).
This year’s Zero Project Conference took place on 27 and 28 February at the UN headquarters in Vienna, Austria, and focused on the theme of accessibility. Fifty carefully selected good practices were presented to an audience of over 350 leading parliamentarians from around the world, together with representatives of DPOs, NGOs, foundations, academics and businesses.
The speakers included representatives from EIDD-DfA Europe: Francesc Aragall (Design for All Foundation), Javier Blázquez Abril (Fondacion ONCE), Jesús Hernández Galán (Fondacion ONCE and EIDD-DfA Europe Executive Board Member) and Peter Neumann (EDAD and Senior Vice President of EIDD-DfA Europe).
Place: Vienna, United Nations Office
Date: 27-28 February 2014
Organisation: Zero Project
Vienna, United Nations Office
27-28 February 2014
Zero Project